JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has denied the allegation that it has restricted the rights of detainees, both suspects and defendants in suspected corruption cases, to meet with legal counsel.

Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri said visits to the prison today can be done online according to a predetermined schedule.

"Meetings between legal advisors and detainees, as well as family visits, can still be carried out online according to the schedule and time as determined," Ali said in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, January 14.

He said, online visits must be made due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Ali also reminded that the technical problem of online visits must be followed because all parties should be aware that this is done in order to maintain safety and health during a pandemic.

"During this pandemic situation, it should be understood that safety and health are important to prioritize," he said

Ali said that the KPK certainly understands the rights of suspects. So, the KPK will not impose restrictions as alleged. "What has changed is only a matter of the technicality of the mechanism because of the reason for the COVID-19 outbreak," he continued.

It is known that the former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi, Maqdir Ismail, said that the KPK limited the rights of detainees by meeting with their attorneys. He considered that the restriction policy was not in favor of the interests of protecting the human rights of the suspect or defendant.

In addition, Maqdir also said that a number of lawyers did not get access to meet clients offline. The meeting, he said, could only be held for a suspect or defendant in a corruption case to be examined or a trial process.

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