JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) submitted a report on the results of the investigation of the death of members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) to President Joko Widodo, Thursday, January 14.

"The presence of Komnas HAM conveyed to the President the death of the six laskar guarding Muhammad Rizieq Shihab on December 7, 2020," said Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD during a press conference at the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs Office, Jakarta.

According to him, from the start the government did not form a joint fact-finding team (TGPF) on its own, but instead left it to Komnas HAM, in accordance with existing laws.

"Since the beginning we said, please investigate Komnas HAM, we will not interfere. Komnas HAM has been working fully and the results have been announced on Friday (8/1) to the public," said Mahfud accompanied by Komnas HAM commissioners.

President Jokowi, he said, directly accepted the text of the investigation report with all of his recommendations.

President Jokowi requested that all recommendations from Komnas HAM be followed up and guarded.

"So, that was the conclusion after the President met with the Komnas HAM commissioner to invite me to talk, the content of which hoped that all Komnas HAM recommendations would be guarded and followed up. Nothing should be hidden," said Mahfud.

Regarding the indication of an "unlawful killing" in the car, he said, it would be revealed through the court why it happened.

Meanwhile, the head of Komnas HAM, Ahmad Taufan Damanik, said that his party submitted the investigation report this morning at 10:00 WIB.

"Alhamdulillah, at 10 am the seven of us, all commissioners, were welcomed by the President to submit a complete report of more than 106 pages with additional documents, including evidence that complements our report," said Damanik.

Previously, Komnas HAM stated that there were human rights violations committed by police officers in the killing of four Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) troops.

Meanwhile, for the deaths of two other FPI laskar members, Komnas HAM did not mention it as a human rights violation

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