LAMPUNG - A boy Rifki Pratama (10) died as a result of drowning in the Way Manak River, Pugung District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province on Wednesday afternoon.
"That the sinking of a 10-year-old boy in the Way Manak River on Wednesday afternoon,’’ said the Head of the Pugung Polres Tanggamus, Lampung Police, Ipda Ori Wiryadi when contacted from Bandar Lampung, Antara, Friday, March 31.
He explained the chronology of the incident began when the victim and his friend went to take a bath in the Way Manak River at 12.30 WIB.
Then, the victim and his friends immediately entered the river to take a shower, but the victim who could not swim and went straight to the middle so that the Way Manak river flow was carried away.
Seeing the incident, the victim's friends took the initiative to print wood to be held by the victim. Unfortunately, the efforts of the victims' friends were in vain because at that time the victim's position had drowned into the river.
"Friends of the victim had followed the victim through the riverbank, about 1 km following the flow of water. The victim was seen floating at the bottom of the river and the victim's friends decided to go home," he also said.
Then, he said again, at around 14.30 WIB the witness named Harno crossed the Way Manak River. At that time the witness was surprised to see a small child caught between the rocks of the Way Manak River.
Seeing the incident, Harno immediately shouted for help and asked for help from another witness who was cleaning fish on the riverbank.
"The victim was immediately taken to the Al-Abror Mosque, Koncang Hamlet, Tanjung Agung Pekon, Pugung District," he also said.
After that, the body of the boy was recognized by the community, then taken to the funeral home in Pekon Way Manak, Pugung District. Furthermore, the medical authorities from the Rantau Tinjang Health Center also came to examine the victim's body.
According to him, from the medical team's examination, there were several wounds found, including a scratch on the temple, bruises on the left forehead, bruises on the right hip, a scratch on the left thigh.
"The wound was hit by rocks and twigs at the bottom of the Way Manak River," he said again.
The police chief said that currently the victim has been buried by the family at the Pekon Way Manak Public Cemetery (TPU).
For this incident, the Pugung Police and the Tanggamus Police Inafis have identified the victim's body at the funeral home in Jatimulyo Hamlet, Pekon Way Manak and the crime scene (TKP) for the boy's sinking.
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