JAKARTA - Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana revealed his discussion when he was summoned by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the State Palace yesterday.

During the meeting, Jokowi mentioned the prevention and eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU) to Funding for the Proliferation of Mass Destruction Weapons (PPSPM).

"(Jokowi, ed) provides many directions on efforts to prevent and eradicate TPPU-TPPT (Terrorism Financing Crime, ed)-PPSPM Indonesia," Ivan told VOI, Tuesday, March 28.

However, when asked about the meeting to discuss more about the odd transaction of Rp. 349 trillion at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Ivan did not specify it. It is only conveyed if Jokowi pays full attention to what is happening at this time.

"This is the umpteenth time I have met him directly, Alhamdulillah in the midst of the density when Mr. President, he pays full attention," said Ivan.

Regarding the odd transaction of IDR 349 trillion at the Ministry of Finance, Ivan had emphasized that the transaction was related to money laundering offenses.

He made this statement during a Hearing Meeting (RDP) between PPATK and Commission III of the DPR.

"That's the result of analysis and examination, of course money laundering offenses. If there is no money laundering offenses, we will not convey it," said Ivan.

Ivan also clarified that this suspicious transaction did not all happen at the Ministry of Finance, but was related to the main duties and functions of the Ministry of Finance as an investigator for the original crime.

Ivan gave an example, when a narcotics crime occurs, someone will submit the case to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) because the crime is related to the main duties and functions of BNN.

The submission of the case to BNN, said Ivan, does not mean that there is a narcotics crime at BNN. The same thing happened in this transaction case of Rp. 349 trillion.

Most of the cases in this Rp349 trillion transaction case are related to imported-export cases and tax cases. In just one case, said Ivan, especially exports and imports, there could be transactions of more than Rp100 trillion.

Based on the main tasks and functions, this case was handed over to Kepabeanan (related to imports and exports), as well as to Taxes.

"So, it cannot be translated into the crime incident at the Ministry of Finance at all. This is very different," said Ivan.

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