BANDUNG - The joint Search and Rescue Team (SAR) found five more people in the search for victims at the landslide location in Cihanjuang Village, Sumedang Regency, West Java.

Head of the Bandung SAR Office, Deden Ridwansyah, said that with the discovery of the five victims who died, up to now a total of 21 people died as a result of landslides in the Cimanggung District.

"Currently the victim is being identified at the Sawah Dadap Community Health Center," said Deden at the landslide location, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 13.

Currently, 19 people are still missing in the landslide. The number of people being sought varies according to complaints from the public to the joint SAR post.

Since Wednesday morning at 09.00 WIB, the SAR Team has found a male victim named Ahmad Yani (32) who is dead.

Then, at 14.55 WIB, the SAR Team found again the male victim whose identity was still identified. Not long after, at 15:15 WIB, the female victim was found and evacuated by the SAR Team.

At the same time around 16.16 WIB, the SAR Team found two additional victims. The two victims were male and female in a state of death.

If the weather is favorable, according to Deden, the search on the fifth day will be continued until evening to speed up the evacuation process.

Even though the weather is cloudy, Deden hopes that it won't rain at night. This is because rain can increase the potential for further landslides.

"We continue to search. We are racing against time. Indeed, it was cloudy, but cloudy does not mean it wants rain. Hopefully the weather will support us all, and all victims can be found," said Deden.

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