JAKARTA - Soldiers of the Security Task Force for Prone Areas (Pamrahwan) Infantry Battalion 756 / WMS are under Kolakopsrem 174 / ATW together with members of the Mimika DPRD, Sasiel Abugau and the people of Omponi Aroanop Village, Tembagapura District, Mimika Regency, holding a stone burning tradition event, Wednesday, January 13.

This stone burning event is a form of gratitude to God for the health and harvest for the people of Omponi Aroanop Village as an annual tradition carried out by the people of Omponi Aroanop Village in welcoming the new year.

"This year the Pamrahwan Infantry Battalion 756 / WMS Task Force post in Aroanop has the opportunity to be directly involved both as a security force and to help with the rock-burning event with the people of Omponi Aroanop Village," said Danpos Aroanop Letda Inf Laode Muhammad Jafar.

He said that as a security apparatus his party was also tasked with providing and ensuring a sense of security in community activities.

"We are also directly involved in working together with the community, starting from preparing a place in the field in front of the GKI Bethlehem Aroanop Church to the completion of the traditional burning stone event," he said.

The ingredients to be cooked in the stone-burning event include five pigs, six noken petatas, two noken corn, six noken taro and six noken vegetables.

Mimika DPRD member Sasiel Abugau expressed his appreciation and thanked Aroanop's post for making people feel safe, and also for the positive assistance given to the community.

"The community must cooperate in all fields with the TNI men, they are here to protect us, the community must also take part together in supporting government programs," he said.

Sasiel Abugau asked the residents if there were good suggestions or ideas, they could be conveyed to the village officials who then together with TNI personnel did things for the progress of the village.

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