BOGOR - As a result of a potholed road, a motorcycle user died after an accident with a Mitsubishi Cool Diesel truck, located in Kebon Kopi Village, RT 04/07, Gunungsindur District Assisting Village, Thursday, March 23.

The accident started with a Yamaha motorcycle with the number F 3616 FEU driven by APS (28) riding with his colleague RP heading from Gunungsindur to Parung.

When passing through the crime scene, there was aANGel Diesel car with the number B 9777 LK to overtake because another vehicle was due to avoiding potholes.

Unfortunately, the victim's motorbike was hit from the opposite direction at high speed.

"For the victims who died, two people were riding motorbikes. Both residents of Gunungsindur will go to the Parung area," said Gunung Sindur Police Traffic Committee Iptu Rudi Hartono in his statement, Friday, March 24.

He explained that the two victims who died were taken to the nearest hospital. Meanwhile, the driver of the Cold Diesel Ethical Sunarya car, a resident of Sukabumi, is still being investigated.

"Initially the diesel cold car wanted to overtake because there was a car in front of it avoiding the hole but, because the speed with which the vehicle immediately hit the motorbike from the opposite direction," he explained.

Even after being hit by a motorcycle and the driver bounced about 10 meters until he fell and the motorcycle driver lay on the road.

"One died on the spot and one died at Hospital 2 Pena. For this incident, it has been transferred to the Laka Pondokudik Unit," he said.

Meanwhile, evidence and the driver of the diesel cold car was secured to the laka unit for further processing.

"The motorcyclists and the motorcyclists were injured in the head and the condition of the victim's vehicle was heavily damaged and handed over to the Pondokudik laka unit," he concluded.

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