JAKARTA - The United Nations, the European Union and the United States have unanimously condemned the statement of an Israeli minister, which does not recognize the existence of the Palestinian nation and culture.

In addition to his controversial remarks, Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has also angered neighboring Jordan, for speaking at a podium covered with what appears to be a variation of the Israeli flag showing the state of Israel with expanded borders that include the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza and Jordan.

"Is there any Palestinian history or culture? There isn't," he said in excerpts of a speech he delivered Sunday at a conference in France that was widely shared on social media.

"There is no such thing as a Palestinian nation," he continued.

Smotrich, who heads a nationalist-religious party in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing coalition, addressed the same day Israeli and Palestinian officials met in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh for de-escalation talks ahead of the Holy Month of Ramadan and Passover Feast for Jews.

In response to the controversial remarks, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh condemned Smotrich's remarks, saying they amounted to incitement to violence.

Meanwhile, UN Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq described Smotrich's remarks as "absolutely unhelpful," he told reporters in New York.

"Obviously, it is very clear and obvious that there are Palestinian people. Their rights are upheld by the United Nations."

Separately, Jordan, which made peace with Israel in 1994, voiced outrage over the flag that was on a stage beside it, saying they had summoned the Israeli ambassador to protest.

"This is an irresponsible, provocative behavior of a serving minister, violating international norms as well as the Jordan-Israel peace agreement. This extremist behavior is pushing towards escalation," said Sinan al Majali, a spokesman for the Jordanian Foreign Ministry.

Jordan called on the Israeli government to take a "clear and honest" stance, Majali stressed.

Israeli police clashed with Palestinians. (Wikimedia Commons/Israel Police)

Later, the Israeli Foreign Ministry later wrote on Twitter: "Israel is committed to the 1994 peace agreement with Jordan. There is no change in the position of the State of Israel, which recognizes the territorial integrity of the Hashemite Kingdom."

A spokesman for Smotrich said the flag was a decoration of the conference organizers, stressing the minister was a guest.

A statement from the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that by denying the existence of the Palestinian people and their legitimate national rights in their homeland, Israeli leaders "cultivate an environment that encourages Jewish extremism and terrorism against our people".

The Israeli minister's controversial remarks also drew criticism from Western allies.

"We absolutely object to that kind of language," said John Kirby, a spokesman for the US National Security Council.

"We don't want to see any rhetoric, action or rhetoric... that could get in the way or become a hindrance to a viable two-state solution, and language like that," Kirby said.

Meanwhile, the European Union said it "categorically regrets the other unacceptable comments by Minister Smotrich," calling it dangerous and counterproductive.

Egypt, the first Arab country to sign a peace deal with Israel, also rejected his remarks.

This is not the first time Smotrich has issued a controversial statement. Previously, he drew world outrage when he said the Palestinian village of Huwara must be "eliminated". He later said he "misspoke" but made no apology.

It is known that there has been a spike in confrontations in the West Bank over the past year, with almost daily Israeli military attacks and increasing violence by Jewish settlers, amid a spate of attacks by Palestinians.

Over the past year, Israeli forces have killed more than 250 Palestinians, including fighters and civilians. Meanwhile, more than 40 Israelis and foreigners were killed in Palestinian attacks.

Palestinians seek to establish a state in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, territories Israel captured in the 1967 war.

Meanwhile, peace talks brokered by the United States have been stalled since 2014, with Palestinians saying Israel has dashed their hopes of establishing a viable state by expanding Jewish settlements on occupied land.

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