JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono removed Yani Wahyu Purwoko from the position of Mayor of West Jakarta (Jakbar). When asked about this, Yani admitted that he did not know about it.

"I don't know. I don't know," Yani replied when met at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Monday, March 20.

Now, Yani's position has been replaced by Uus Kuswanto, who previously served as Assistant for People's Welfare of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary. Uus has undergone a fit and proper test aka the fit and proper test as a candidate for Mayor of West Jakarta today.

Responding to this, Yani also admitted that he did not know that his position would be replaced by Uus. Yani also showed an annoyed expression and was reluctant to answer straightforwardly when asked about this matter.

"Ah, how would I know," said Yani, who immediately walked away from the media crew.

For information, Yani Wahyu was appointed by former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as Mayor of West Jakarta since 2021 until now.

Heru Budi replaced Yani from the Mayor of West Jakarta with Uus Kuswanto, who previously served as Assistant to the People's Welfare of the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta. Uus previously also served as Mayor of West Jakarta from September 2020 to October 2021.

Deputy Chairman of Commission A of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Inggad Joshua, revealed the cause of the change of position for the Mayor of West Jakarta. According to Inggad, during his tenure, the West Jakarta City Government was less than optimal in collecting developer obligations intended as social facilities (fasos) and public facilities (fasum).

"This seems to be a problem, right. Problems for the benefit of the community or public needs that have not been properly realized," Inggad told reporters.

In fact, the problem of asset inventory in West Jakarta is often in the spotlight of the DPRD. When he was just the Mayor of West Jakarta, Yani was warned by the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD to collect the obligation of developers who have not submitted assets to the DKI Provincial Government.

Not to mention, there are many social and public facilities assets from developers who have problems when they are about to be inventoried by the DKI Provincial Government. This is due to the condition of the developer as the holder of the land use appointment permit (SIPPT) which is already bankrupt or bankrupt.

"This means that the problem of handling social and public facilities has not been implemented and has not been optimal," said Inggad.

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