JAKARTA - For almost a month David Ozora, a victim of severe persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio underwent treatment at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta. The family representative, Alto Luger, said that until now David's condition had continued to improve. In fact, said Alto, he was able to sit and sleep on his side.

"Today he's not tied up anymore because he's starting to calm down. He's also started to sit down and his sleep can be tilted. So it's not as long as the previous week. Overall in plain view is much better," Alto said when confirmed, Monday, March 20.

However, the family still adheres to the doctor's decision regarding David's status, whether he is considered critical or not.

"But from the family side, they still adhere to what the doctor and the team of doctors say, whether while they are in the ICU they are still considered critical because the room is an intense care unit," he said.

Alto said David's hands and feet were no longer tied because of his calm condition.

"Because of the struggle, David had to be tied up. Because he was afraid that his hands were unconsciously speeding (released) infusions and all kinds of doctor's tools that were installed on his body. But today he is no longer tied because he has started to calm down," he said.

He also said David had been able to open his eyes for the past week. However, David did not recognize the people around him. It is estimated that David is still in memory recovery.

"For example, his eyes are open but unlike people who are healthy in general, where when we look, we know where and with whom. The process of him recognizing the environment and that person has not been visually seen," he said.

Another positive progress is related to hearing. Alto said David was able to respond to voices.

"He can respond to voices, as explained in the video, so his hearing is arguably already a very positive progress," he concluded.

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