JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya removed the Head of Cikarang Selatan (Ciksel) Police, Kompol Sukadi was removed from his position. This removal was in the aftermath of the crowd that occurred at Waterboom Lippo Cikarang.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said, Kompol Sukadi was removed because he was considered negligent in implementing health protocols in the community.

"Yes, transferred, transferred yes. Internally there were negligence from the members, in this case the police chief," said Yusri to reporters, Tuesday, January 12.

Yusri said the removal of Kompol Sukadi was contained in the Telegram Letter of the Jakarta Police Chief with number KEP / 14 / I / 2021, dated January 11, 2021.

With this removal, Kompol Sukadi will be positioned as the Head of the Subbidpenmas Bidhumas Polda Metro Jaya. Meanwhile, the position of Kapolsek Cikarang Selatan will be filled by Kompol Sutrisno, who previously served as Head of the Subbidpenmas Bidhumas Polda Metro Jaya.

While related to the crowd case process, Yusri said that his party was still conducting an investigation. Several parties including the manager of Waterboom Lippo Cikarang have been questioned.

"It will still be processed legally. We are still investigating," he said.

The violation of the health protocol at Waterboom Lippo Cikarang began with the implementation of a surprise promo at the beginning of the year by the management of a tourist attraction on Sunday, January 10 yesterday.

The promo makes the ticket price which is usually sold at Rp. 95 thousand or the manager said that it is Rp. 50,000, discounted to Rp. As a result, visitors who wanted to enjoy the discount program exploded, causing crowds both in and around the swimming pool area.

Chairperson of the Bekasi Regency COVID-19 Task Force as well as Bekasi Regent Eka Supria Atmaja said the Bekasi Regency government, West Java sealed off the Waterboom Lippo Cikarang water tourism spot on the first day of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM).

"We have sealed this location and closed for an indefinite period of time," he said.

The closure of this tourist attraction was carried out considering the management of the tourist spot was proven to have violated the rules of the health protocol by bringing in crowds that had the potential to cause the spread of COVID-19.

"This closure is related to a violation of health protocols. Waterboom managers do not coordinate with local governments so that there is a crowd. We agree with economic recovery but do not reduce caution to health protocols," he said.

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