The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, immediately remembered the figure of KH. Mustofa Bisri, Habib Syekh, and Habib Luthfi when asked about the figure of Sunan Giri. According to Ganjar, the belief of someone combined with the sense of art will be a friendly and pleasant medium of da'wah.

On Saturday, March 18, Ganjar and his wife, Siti Atikoh made a pilgrimage to the Sunan Giri Cemetery or Sheikh Muhammad Ainul Yaqin in Gresik. As soon as he got out of the car, Ganjar Pranowo immediately climbed 99 stairs to the cemetery area. He was immediately invited by the grave administrator to enter the cover which was part of the tomb.

Cungkup it is a building measuring about 3 x 3 square meters with a door measuring 100 x 50 cm, all of which are full of carvings. The carving of two dragon heads adds to the enveloping exoticism. As if it became an illustration that the figure buried there has a huge love for art.

"Yes, I immediately remembered Gus Mus (KH. Mustofa Bisri) while remembering Sunan Giri. How he combines his knowledge with art. From there Sunan Giri is very attached to the Muslim community," said Ganjar.

Ganjar said the combination of science and art was a way of da'wah loved by the people of the country. Because religious teachings can actually be conveyed cheerfully.

"Besides Gus Mus, we can also see many of our scholars who are also artists. Habib Syech and Habib Luthfi for example. We can see how syekher mania is reciting and praying happily," said Ganjar.

Sunan Giri is known as a member of Walisongo who has da'wah consensus through art. Among them are through gending or songs and musical instruments to dolanan or children's games. Asmaradana and pucung's management is composed by Sunan Giri. Even the game of cublak suweng is also narrated as his work.

"Because with art life is balanced, people who receive da'wah are happy," said Ganjar.

Ganjar Pranowo's trip to Sunan Giri's grave was a series of people to Walisongo's grave. Starting from a pilgrimage to Sunan Ampel's grave in Surabaya, Ganjar continued his pilgrimage to the graves of Sunan Gresik and Sunan Giri in Gresik. After leaving there, Ganjar's journey continued to Sunan Drajat's grave in Lamongan and Sunan Bonang in Tuban.

After that, Ganjar Pranowo will make a pilgrimage to Raden Fatah's grave, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Murian and end at Sunan Gunungjati's grave in Cirebon.

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