The suspect in the alleged sexual abuse case with the initials AA at the Kahu Bone Health Center, South Sulawesi, was announced by the Bone Police to be threatened with nine years in prison based on Article 289 of the Criminal Code Subs Article 281 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code and or Article 6 letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 12 of 2002.

At a press conference at the Bone Police Headquarters, Friday, March 17, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Bobby Rachman Bone Police, explained that after an examination was carried out on a police officer with the initials AA, he was named a suspect and officially detained in the Bone Police Headquarters Detention Room to follow the next legal process.

"Oknum AA dikenakan Pasal 289 KUHP Subs Pasal 281 ayat (2) KUHPidana dan atau Pasal 6 huruf a UU RI No. 12 Tahun 2002 Tentang Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual dengan ancaman hukuman sembilan tahun penjara," ungkapnya dikutip ANTARA, Sabtu, 18 Maret.

According to the promise of the Bone Police Chief, said Robby, to take firm action against unscrupulous members of the Bone Police who violated the law, his party held a press conference regarding the determination of suspect AA, after the Satreskrim investigators conducted an examination of the members.

At the press conference, AKP Bobby Rachman was accompanied by the Head of Propam Iptu Akhyar with the Head of Subsidy for PIDM Sihumas Iptu Rayendra Muchtar.

The Head of Propam for the Bone Police, Iptu Akhyar, explained that apart from serving a criminal sentence, suspect AA will also undergo sanctions from the official service.

"Later, after the police code of ethics and discipline hearing, the sanctions can be in the form of dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) from the police service," he added.

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