YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) predicts Muslims in Indonesia will start fasting Ramadan 1444 Hijri simultaneously on March 23, 2023.

"If you look at the possibility of starting the fast with God willing, because historically it is possible to see it. It is possible that Ramadan together," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, DIY Masmin Afif, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 17.

According to Masmin, based on the calculation of the history of the position of the hilal when the sun sets on March 22, 2023, it has reached 7 degrees so that it has made it possible to be seen using the rukyat method.

"It has reached almost 7 degrees if it is not blocked by the clouds, it should be visible," he said.

Meski demikian Masmin memin meminta masyarakat tetap menunggu hasil sidang isbat oleh Kemenag RI yang dimulai dengan rukyatul hilal di seluruh titik observasi bulan di Indonesia.

"The operational standard (SOP) procedure remains through rukyat before the trial isbat," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Islamic Religious Affairs (Urais) of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, DIY Jauhar Mustofa, said that the position of the early hilal of Ramadan 2023 throughout Indonesia is estimated to be between 7 degrees to 9 degrees.

Meanwhile, the smallest elongation angle in Indonesia at sunset on Wednesday, 29 Sya'ban 1444 H or to coincide with March 22, 2023, he said, is 8 degrees 32 minutes to 10 degrees 8 minutes and the distance between the sun and the moon is about 3 degrees so that during sunny weather the hilal allows to be seen.

"With good weather conditions, God willing, it will be an'soft match' for the people. Hopefully the weather will be friendly," he said.

According to Jauhar, the data has met the latest criteria for MABIMS (Minister of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore) to determine the beginning of Ramadan, namely a minimum hilal height of three degrees with an elongation angle of 6.4 degrees.

"So Muhammadiyah and NU God willing, together for the beginning of Ramadan, because all the criteria have been met, both Muhammadiyah and government criteria. Later there will be many possibilities who can see (naughty)," he said.

According to Jauhar, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Yogyakarta will hold rukyatul hilal or centrally monitoring of the hilal at the Moon Observation Post (POB) Syekh Bela Belu Parangtritis, Bantul Regency on Wednesday (22/3) afternoon.

He said the observation of the hilal was carried out using two binoculars of POB stars, coupled with a number of binoculars belonging to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and universities.

"Participants from academics, we also invite various mass organizations, religious courts, district/city Ministry of Religion offices, and MUI we also present," said Jauar Mustofa.

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