JAKARTA - Central Java Vocational School, which was founded by Ganjar Pranowo in 2014, was not only able to reduce the number of school dropouts. But also managed to eradicate thousands of poor families. These indicators can be seen from thousands of graduates who are absorbed in Indonesian companies and become state servants.

Making schools based on rhythm or boarding school for free can be considered a 'crazy program'. Not all regions dare because they suck up the APBD quite high.

But recently the concept of learning at three Central Java Vocational Schools that cost more than IDR 30 billion per year has become a role model. A number of provinces in Indonesia such as DKI Jakarta, Bengkulu, Lampung and South Sulawesi sent school principals and teaching staff for comparative studies to the school.

SMKN Central Java itself covers three areas in Central Java, namely Campus 1 in Semarang City, Campus 2 in Pati and Campus 3 in Purbalingga. SMKN is not a canned school. In 2022, as many as 233 graduates of the three schools were graduated by Ganjar with an absorption rate in the field of work reaching 70 percent. Five of them won 100 in the mathematical sample at the National Examination.

Not stopping with three schools, Ganjar added 15 semi-boarding vocational schools in 15 districts to accommodate excellent students from poor families. Named SMK Semi Boarding, because 30 students who passed the selection are still studying with regular students even though they live in dormitories.

SMKN Central Java Campus 1 in Semarang since its operation has shown its existence as a leading school. Although students come from prosperous families if given the opportunity and are financed by the state, the results of academic and non-academic achievements are extraordinary.

One of the Class XII students at SMKN Central Java Campus 1, Dini Nur Laela, admitted that she was grateful to be able to get an education here. In addition to being comfortable studying, the student of the Construction and Property Business Department has immediately received a job at PT SUA South Jakarta, a company in the field of mechanical and electrical construction services. Previously he underwent street vendors there and followed the selection stage.

The pemalang student, who has been an orphan since grade 2 of elementary school, admitted that he was grateful to the Central Java Provincial Government for the presence of this SMK. In his eyes, this school became a lens and gave new hope for poor family students to continue their education after graduating from junior high school.

"Being left behind by my parents made me continue to struggle to realize my dream. I was helped by this school. At SMKN Central Java it was not just free, teaching and learning activities were cool, and as soon as I graduated, I immediately graduated from work," said the Bridge Design Champion from Kayu Balasa Inter-SMK throughout Central Java in 2023 which was held by a university in Semarang.

Bayu Lesmana Putra from Jepara admits the same thing. Realizing that his parents did not own it because his father Oni Sahroni was only a laborer, and his mother Sulatmi was selling angkringan, she was chasing school at no cost. He imagines that his family has to spend millions of rupiah for uniforms and stationery fees if they study at public vocational schools.

"But here, we are grateful that everything is covered, starting with uniforms, shoes, stationery, there are cruise activities. Moreover, character education is very strong," added a student of the Electric Power Installation Department, Thursday, March 16.

The vocational school, which was initiated by Ganjar Pranowo, offered dormitory facilities, with all the costs of education and eating to uniforms free of charge. After the establishment of three Vocational School Boarding, followed by 15 SMK semi-boarding.

The 15 schools are SMKN 1 Demak, SMKN 2 Rembang, SMKN 1 Wirosari Grobogan, SMKN 1 Jepon Blora, SMKN 1 Tulung Klaten, SMKN 1 Kedawung Sragen, SMKN 2 Wonogiri, SMKN 1 Purworejo, SMKN 2 Wonosobo, SMKN 1 Punggelan Banjarnegara, SMKN 1 Alian Kebumen, SMKN 2 Cilacap, SMKN 1 Kalibagor Banyumas, SMKN 1 Tonjong Brebes, and SMKN 1 Randudongkal Pemalang.

"We are serious about eroding poverty. The vision is that this school is a pioneer, driving poverty eradication. Its graduates after five years must be able to alleviate poverty for themselves and their environment. Also moving the community to eradicate regional poverty," said Ganjar in his statement.

According to the governor, this vocational school idea emerged when many poor families were found to be of low education. Since then, Ganjar has started a free school for poor families to access education.

In addition to SMKN, Ganjar also revitalizes seven Vocational Schools in Central Java to realize industrial coaching. If Central Java SMKN still uses APBD funds, then for development in the school it can be done through cooperation with the private sector.

Head of SMKN Central Java Campus 1 Samrian said, every year there are 120 students who are accommodated, in which one group learns to fill 24 students with five disciplines, namely building, electronics, electricity, machinery, and automotive techniques.

This vision and mission of the school is in the breath of the Central Java Provincial Government's program to participate in poverty alleviation. Strengthening character is stated in teaching patterns through the practice of Pancasila values, including getting up early at around 03.00 WIB to carry out worship, healthy culture by running in the morning, gymnastics, spirit of gotong royong and harmony through eating together and cleaning the environment.

The general chairman of the Vocational High School Work Conference (MKKS) throughout Indonesia explained that the Central Java SMKN curriculum refers to the link and match concept, making it easier for them to be absorbed in the industrial market. Now, many of its students, although still in Semester V, have been recruited by the country's bonafid companies, one of which is the mining company PT Buma in Kalimantan.

"Some of our differentiating activities at SMK are the three-month Basic Leadership Education process, and the complete 24-hour supervision as a substitute for parents. They also use English on Monday-Tuesday, Javanese on Wednesday-Thursday and Indonesian in Friday-Saturday," added Samiran.

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