ACEH - The West Aceh District Environment and Sanitation Service (DLHK) said that the cleaning up of coal material that previously littered the shoreline in Peunaga Rayeuk Village, Meureubo District, West Aceh District, was borne by the company, PT Mifa Bersaudara as a mining company.
"The information we received from the keuchik (village head) is that the company will pay for this cleaning fee," said DLHK Head Bukhari in Meulaboh, Antara, Thursday, March 16.
According to the information received, the cost of cleaning the coal that has packed the coast in Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency, is IDR 50,000 per 50-kilogram sack.
Even though the coal material has been cleaned up that has polluted the shoreline, said Bukhari, his party is currently waiting for the results of laboratory tests to determine which company the coal came from.
Currently, there is one coal mining company in West Aceh Regency that is actively operating, namely PT Mifa Bersaudara, and another company that also uses coal on the border of West Aceh and Nagan Raya Regencies, Aceh, namely PLTU 1-2 Nagan Raya owned by PT PLN (Persero).
When confirmed separately, the Keuchik of Gampong Peunaga Rayeuk, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency, Zainal Abidin, when confirmed separately, confirmed that the cost of collecting coal materials in sacks by the people in his village was borne by PT Mifa Bersaudara.
"The cost per sack of coal that has been collected by my people is IDR 25,000 per sack," said Zainal Abidin.
From Monday to Tuesday (13-14 March), a total of 2,061 sacks were collected with a total fee to be paid by the company of IDR 51,525,000. Zainal claimed that the payment was made today around 14.00 WIB.
"Later, after we receive this money, we will distribute it to the community according to the number of sacks of coal that have been collected," he said.
Meanwhile, the management of PT Mifa Bersaudara when confirmed regarding the payment of Rp. 25 thousand per sack of coal did not wish to answer. They provided a written statement from Deputy Head of Mining Engineering, Abdul Haris.
Abdul Haris said that PT Mifa Bersaudara and PLTU Nagan 1-2 are companies operating on the coast of West Aceh where one of their operational activities is loading and unloading coal.
Regarding the spilled coal, he said that in accordance with the recommendations of the West Aceh DLHK several years ago, his party was responsive and sustainable in carrying out beach cleaning activities with local residents.
In addition, his party has made various technical improvements to prevent coal spills, including installing a scrapper installation on the CV-conveyor and installing a mini conveyor at the Jetty.
"We will continue to strive to carry out operational activities properly, and of course, this also requires support from all parties, especially the surrounding community, so that Mifa's operations run smoothly and can continue to provide benefits to as many people as possible," said Haris.
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