The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the investigation into the alleged corruption of rice social assistance (bansos) for the Family Hope Program (PKH) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) is in accordance with the rules. The investigation was carried out before this case rose to its status to investigation.

"We make sure every stage carried out by the KPK is in accordance with the legal corridor," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Thursday, March 16.

Ali said that the rice social assistance corruption case was revealed from public reports which were then followed up. However, Ali has not detailed further about the suspects in this case.

However, the name that has been justified to be a prisoner is M. Kuncoro Wibowo. The former President Director of PT Transjakarta has even been prevented from leaving the country for the first six months until next August.

Later, the suspect's announcement will be made after the KPK has sufficient evidence. The public is asked to continue to monitor the development of this case.

Meanwhile, related parties were asked to cooperate in fulfilling the summons of the anti-corruption commission. "And explain (in front of investigators, ed) what it is from every detail (of the known rice social assistance corruption case, ed)," said Ali.

For information, the KPK has prevented five other people in this case, namely Budi Susanto, April Chuniawan, Ivo Wongkaren, Roni Ramdani, and Richard Cahyanto. Kuncoro, Budi, and April are parties of PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) while the rest come from PT Primalayan Teknologi Persada.

Meanwhile, PT BGR is one of the distributors of the social assistance for rice for the Ministry of Social Affairs program. The state-owned company has the task of distributing 222,070,230 kilograms of rice social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs to 4,934,894 families of PKH program beneficiaries in the country.

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