JAKARTA - Dozens of houses and a number of Ambulu Market stalls were damaged, as well as dozens of fallen trees in Jember Regency, East Java, as a result of the tornado that hit the local area on Monday, January 11 afternoon until evening.

"There are three locations that were hit by a tornado, namely Tegalsari Village and Ambulu Village in Ambulu District, and Tanjungrejo Village in Wuluhan District," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Jember Regency, Heru Widagdo in Jember, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 12. .

According to him, the heavy rain that flushed in Ambulu and Wuluhan Subdistricts was accompanied by strong winds, causing dozens of fallen trees to damage people's homes, market stalls and causing access to the Husada Main Hospital to be temporarily closed.

"The whirlwind caused 14 houses to be damaged, with details of two being moderately damaged and 12 houses slightly damaged, then three Ambulu Market stalls were moderately damaged, and about 60 trees fell," he said.

According to him, there were no casualties in the whirlwind disaster which caused dozens of trees to fall, destroying the houses of residents and traders' stalls in Pasar Ambulu Jember.

According to the information gathered in the field, a number of traders in Ambulu Market managed to save themselves and came out of the stall when they heard the sound of wood collapsing as a result of being hit by the wind, so that debris was not hit.

Heru explained that officers and volunteers from BPBD Jember conducted an assessment and cut down fallen trees, and regulated traffic flow so that congestion would not occur on the road.

"I urge people to be more vigilant when it rains heavily accompanied by strong winds, but there is no need to panic. When driving, you should stop first and find a safe place," he said.

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