AMBON - Ambon Island Police and PP Lease officers, Maluku chased five of the seven perpetrators who had been named suspects in the alleged criminal case of beating a Benteng Health Center officer, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City. "Five people are still fugitives, while the other two perpetrators have surrendered to investigators accompanied by parents, heads of RWs and their legal advisers," said Head of Public Relations of the local Police Iptu Moyo Utomo in Ambon, Antara, Tuesday, March 14. The perpetrators who are still being chased by the police include the initials H, O, R, BS, and FAP, while the perpetrators FJL and FR have surrendered to the police. From the statements of the witnesses, including the victim who reported to the Ambon Island Police Headquarters, the police then conducted a case title and named seven people as suspects in the alleged crime of beatings that occurred on Thursday, March 2, 2023 at around 21:30 WIT. The two perpetrators who surrendered were then detained based on police report number: LP/B/87/III/2023/SPKT/Polresta Ambon/Maluku Police, dated March 2, 2023. This criminal incident began when Deckson Defon Oftia as a victim witness reprimanded three youths who parked their motorbikes in front of the Puskesmas. They did not accept being reprimanded, resulting in a verbal altercation between Deckson and one of the youths while parking his vehicle in front of the Puskesmas. "After that, there was a fight between the victim and one of the youths and they were then separated by local residents, while the victim was brought into the puskesmas," explained Moyo Utomo. After a while, the perpetrators and friends arrived with the aim of reconciling the problems that occurred, but after the perpetrator met the victim Deckson, the opening to reconcile the problem but the perpetrators again ganged up on the victim. "When there was a commotion, another Puskesmas employee came to intervene with the perpetrators but they were just beaten," he said. The victim then went to the Ambon Island Police headquarters to report the incident to be processed according to applicable legal provisions. The suspect FAP alias Falen is currently sick and is currently being treated at Bhayangkara Hospital in Tantui. A number of pieces of evidence have also been secured by the police, including a CD-R containing video footage of surveillance cameras (CCTV) and a CD-R containing video recordings. The suspects were charged with violating Article 170 Paragraph (1) and/or Article 351 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code by the Ambon Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

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