SOLO - Solo Police have prepared personnel to escort thousands of Persis supporters who will depart to support their team against Arema Malang. The match was held at Maguwoharjo Stadium, Sleman Regency, D.I. Yogyakarta, on Wednesday, March 15 at around 15.00 WIB.

"The police will strictly escort the Persis Solo fans to the Maguwoharjo Stadium in Sleman," said Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi after the Joint TNI-Polri Synergy Ceremony, in Solo, Antara, Tuesday, March 14.

Iwan said, the escort was to prevent unwanted events like previous experiences.

"I have met with elements of Persis supporters, both at the headquarters and with the coordinators and leaders who will lead to the Maguwoharjo Stadium," he said.

He conveyed to Persis fans that security is a shared responsibility, it does not mean that the security forces are throwing responsibility away.

Escorting supporters will be carried out in a relay across regional units. Both departure and return groups of supporters. His party has also coordinated with the routes to be passed starting from the Sukoharjo and Klaten Police. In fact, the Sleman Police also assured that the Prambanan border would be greeted by supporters from Yogyakarta.

According to him, steps like these can be used as embryos of harmony between supporters in the world of Indonesian football. Where the visiting team was warmly welcomed by the host.

Deputy Secretary General of DPP Pasoepati Isnaini Muhammad Fatah Romadlon explained, as a result of temporary coordination, four Persis Solo support elements will leave together and depart from Plaza Manahan Solo, Wednesday at 11.00 WIB.

Pasoepati supporters to the Maguwoharjo Sleman Stadium with two and four-wheeled vehicles with a quota of 5,000 spectators. The fans who departed for Maguwoharjo Stadium already held entrance tickets.

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