UI Student Jumping From Apartment Turns Out To Be A Psychologist
Illustration of the crime scene. (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The motive behind the suicide of University of Indonesia student Melati Putri Dairly (MPD) has not yet been revealed. However, the results of the temporary investigation are known if he is a psychologist's assessment.

"This victim is also an assessment that received psychological assessments, especially from the UI psychologist," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Monday, March 13.

Asession is someone who registers to be tested or certified as a psychologist.

However, it did not specify when Melati registered to undergo the test. It is only conveyed if the information can be obtained from witness testimony.

"In the information that has been taken by investigators, here there are seven witnesses at the TKP and the family," he said.

Meanwhile, to reveal the motive for the suicide, continued Trunoyudo, it is still in process. The investigation team will still collect evidence and instructions until they are concluded.

"Of course it will conclude through the results of the forensic psychological and psychologist statements and there will be additional digital forensic traces including CCTV at the crime scene," said Trunoyudo.

Melati Putri Dairly is a student of the Communication Sciences and Communications program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, class 2019. She died before graduating

This teenager was desperate to end his life by jumping from the 18 apartment units in the South Jakarta area, on March 8.

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