YOGYAKARTA – Every region in Indonesia has its own customs or traditions, including North Sumatra. The customs of North Sumatra reflect the noble values ​​that are passed down from generation to generation and become the identity of the local community.

Etymologically, the word adat istiadat comes from Arabic which means habit or tradition. In other words, adat istiadat can be interpreted as a tradition that is carried out repeatedly so that it becomes a habit and is respected by people.

Well, North Sumatra is one of the provinces that has unique and interesting traditions or traditions. Some of them are even world-famous and attract many tourists.

Customs of North Sumatra

Compiled from various sources, the following are various interesting and unique customs of North Sumatra:

1. Stone jumping

Stone jumping is a tradition of the Nias Tribe in North Sumatra Province which is carried out by young men. This tradition is also known as fahombo or hombo batu.

Stone jumping is a very popular tradition, even world-famous. This tradition is used as a main attraction to attract tourists to visit Nias Island.

This custom was originally a ritual for men there who would become soldiers. Men there were only allowed to join the war after successfully jumping over a stone structure that was approximately 2 to 2.2 meters high.

2. Manggokal Holi

One of the tribes or ethnic groups that inhabit the North Sumatra region is the Batak. The Batak tribe, especially the Toba Batak, has a fairly extreme tradition, namely Manggokkal Holi. This tradition is a traditional ceremony to move the bones of ancestors to be collected in one place.

This ethnic group believes that death is not the end of life's journey, but rather a stage to achieve perfection. The bones or skeletons that are taken are usually cleaned again with lime. Next, the skeleton is buried in a place that is considered sacred, namely Tondi.

3. Sipaha Lima Ceremony

Sipaha Lima is also a North Sumatran custom. This tradition is carried out by the Batak tribe who adhere to the Malim belief. This ceremony is a form of expression of gratitude for what has been obtained during the past year. In addition, this tradition also aims to honor their ancestors.

The Sipaha Lima ceremony requires quite a long time to prepare. In the third month of the Batak calendar, the local community will collect their harvest to be made into offerings held in the fourth month. This ceremony is identical to the accompaniment of Ogung Sabangunan music or traditional Batak Toba musical instruments.

4. Kenduri Laut

Kenduri Laut is a custom carried out by the people of Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra. This tradition is a form of gratitude for the seafood obtained by the local community. Kenduri Laut is usually held in October on a beach in the district.

In the implementation of the customs of North Sumatra, there are two main agendas, namely rituals and celebrations. In addition to sacred rituals, the local community also holds other events to attract tourists such as competitions or entertainment. For the ritual process, each sub-district representative there must bring offerings in the form of agricultural products.

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