JAKARTA - A man in Singapore who sexually abused his stepson for more than 20 years, was jailed for eight years and nine months. Ironically, he committed this crime from the time his daughter was seven years old until he was about to commit suicide because he was emotionally injured.

The 67-year-old man cannot be named to protect the identity of the 33-year-old victim.

The judge highlighted the psychological damage suffered by the victim. This is because the victim did not report the abuse until three years ago because she was financially dependent on her stepfather and the victim did not want her mother to age alone.

District Judge Jasvender Kaur was quoted as saying by CNA as saying that the victim had thought of committing suicide many times because of the trauma. Even the trauma made him sensitive to the sound of the door being locked which reminded him of his stepfather's despicable behavior.

The victim also said that whatever sentence her stepfather received would not change anything because it would not take away the pain she felt. Due to that incident he also doubted whether he would be able to have a relationship later or not.

The man pleaded guilty in October last year to five counts of maltreatment, with nine other charges still being considered.

The perpetrator started dating the victim's mother after the victim's father died in 1989. They married ten years later.

Then in 1994, as revealed by the local judge, the defendant began to abuse his wife. Then in 1999 when the victim was 12 years old, the man assaulted the victim.

Victims become accustomed to sexual harassment over the years. He believes the only way out of all his problems is to "end his life or wait until he is 35 to move into his own flat," said Hakim.

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