YOGYAKARTA - The month of Ramadan does not feel like it is just a matter of counting the days will arrive and that means we must also prepare for Eid homecoming. However, there is a surprise from the Ministry of Transportation in Ramadan in 2023. The reason is, there is a free homecoming. So, what are the requirements for the 2023 Ministry of Transportation free homecoming?

Registration for the 2023 free homecoming organized by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will be opened starting this afternoon, Monday (13/3).

Through uploading the Instagram account @kemenhub151, the Ministry of Transportation explained that the registration of the homecoming program is free, the bus mode is open from March 13 to April 14. Registration will be closed when the quota has been fulfilled.

"Free homecoming registration can be done starting March 13, 2023 at 14.00 WIB," wrote the upload with the Ministry of Transportation's Instagram account and the Directorate General of Land Transportation, last weekend.

There is a list of 28 cities for the purpose of going home for free from the Ministry of Transportation this year. First, in West Java there are Garut, Tasikmalaya, and Cirebon. Second, in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) there are Tegal, Pekalongan, Semarang, Demak, Jepara, Pati, Blora, Boyolali, Solo, Klaten, Wonogiri, Purwokerto, Cilacap, Wonosobo, Kebumen, Magelang, Wonosari, and Yogyakarta.

Third, for the East Java region, there are Tuban, Madiun, Surabaya, Malang, and Tulungagung. Fourth, the destinations of Sumatra are Lampung and Palembang.

How To Register For Free Homecoming Of The Ministry Of Transportation 2023

For those of you who want to register for homecoming for free from the Ministry of Transportation in 2023, don't forget to download the MitraDarat application on the Play Store or App Store. After that, follow the following steps:

Click the 'Login' button

Enter Google email/account address

Enter the phone number (WhatsApp)

Enter OTP code

If login is successful, the main page of the MitraDarat application will appear

Click Icon 'Free Homecoming' in the MitraDarat application

Select the departure point and homecoming destination

Select the homecoming fleet as desired Fill in the passenger data identity properly

Click the 'Finish Order' button

Click Icon 'Free Homecoming' in the MitraDarat application

Select 'Tiketku' Icon

Click the tickets that have been ordered

Then, select the 'See QR Code' button

The view of the proof of ordering QR Code (shows the QR code to the officer at the validation post for the ticket verification process).

So after knowing the requirements for the 2023 Ministry of Transportation's free homecoming, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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