ACEH - A resident of Sabang City, Aceh with the initials FA (63) was sentenced to 119 lashes after being proven to have raped. The FA was declared to have violated Article 48 of Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning the law of jinayat. The head of the Sabang District Attorney's Office, Milono Raharjo, said that the caning of the FA was in accordance with the decision of the Sabang City Sharia Court on February 7, 2023, which was an appeal decision. "So the person concerned was sentenced to 125 lashes, but because the defendant had served 6 months in prison, his prison term was cut, FA was sentenced to 119 lashes in public," said Milono in Sabang City, Antara, Wednesday, March 8. The execution of the caning against the FA took place in the courtyard of the Babussalam Grand Mosque in Sabang City, which was witnessed by the public and involved the Sabang City Health Office for the provision of doctors, supervisory judges from the Syar'iyah Court and elements of the Sabang Forkopimda. To note, the FA is a resident of Gampong Balohan, and has been proven to have raped the victim with the initials MA (26), whose case began to be revealed in September 2022. Milono said, the caning was an example for the community, as one of the disciplinary social sanctions, and the sanctions were quite severe. "Maybe the caning can still be contained in pain, but for social sanctions, this is the heaviest in society," he said. Meanwhile, Assistant for General Administration of the Regional Secretariat of Sabang City, Rinaldi Syahputra, said that the implementation of the caning had been carried out in Sabang, but in principle the Sabang City Government was very sorry about the incident. "However, in enforcing Islamic law that does apply in Aceh, especially in Sabang, we must enforce things like this and become our attention in the future," he said. Therefore, he hopes that the execution of the caning will be a lesson for the public so that things that violate Islamic law do not happen again in Sabang City.

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