Chairman of the NasDem MPR RI Party faction, Taufik Basari, warned the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) not to get wind in facing the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN Jakpus) regarding the postponement of the remaining stages of the 2024 General Election.
It is known that the KPU made an appeal against the Central Jakarta District Court's decision to the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT).
Taufik assessed that the KPU must strengthen the legal appeal against the lawsuit by the People's Fair and Prosperous Party (Prima).
Because, if the arguments in the appeal made by the KPU are weak, the Central Jakarta District Court's decision could be a dangerous decision because the 2024 election could be postponed.
"The appeal memory must be strong. The KPU should not get wind," said Taufik in a discussion entitled 'Recognizing the Constitution in the Election Court System' at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 8.
"Do not let the memory of weak appeals, which in the end, the PT (High Court) decision justifies the PN's decision," he continued.
The NasDem legislator for the Lampung electoral district also highlighted the consideration of the lawsuit decision submitted by the Prima Party to the KPU. According to him, there is no rational basis for delaying elections in considering the decision.
"Certaining the contents of the lawsuit without any legal basis that we can rationalize as an excuse to stop the election stages and start from the beginning of 2 years 4 months 7 days," he said.
Therefore, Taufik assessed that the solution to ending the polemic of the Central Jakarta District Court's decision was to withdraw the civil lawsuit. "Because this is civil, yes, the lawsuit can be withdrawn, completed, peaceful, right," said Taufik.
The member of Commission III of the DPR explained that the legal process could be stopped by withdrawing the lawsuit. On the other hand, the KPU as the defendant must re-examine the Prima Party file, whether it is appropriate or not to qualify as a participant in the 2024 General Election.
"Later, we can push the KPU to re-check and then re-check. Finally, the decision is to meet the requirements to participate in the election, so immediately state it," explained Taufik.
Taufik believes that the two instruments are a solution step to end the polemic of the Central Jakarta District Court's decision, so that the 2024 General Election can be held as scheduled.
"We don't think again that there is a decision that is taking hostage to postpone the election. Enter the Prima Party, peace, withdraw the lawsuit, it's over," he concluded.
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