Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had given clear directions regarding jumbo assets belonging to former Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) tax official Rafael Alun which shocked the public. There are steps that must be taken according to the direction of the head of state.

"It is clear the President's direction. The President has conveyed it," Moeldoko told reporters after the Stranas PK event at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 8.

Moeldoko ensured that enforcement measures must be taken. Everything must be in accordance with the rules.

"There are enforcement measures," he said.

President Jokowi some time ago had indeed spoken about the luxurious lifestyle of government officials. He said the public should be disappointed because public services are considered not good and their employees are considered jumawa and show off their wealth.

So, he asked Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani at that time to explain in detail the issue of Rafael Alun and officials in his ministry who like to show off their wealth. Jokowi also ordered all Ministers and Heads of Institutions for institutions to discipline the ranks below him.

This is related to the large number of tax officials and their families who are in the public spotlight. "I want to emphasize not, so that we emphasize to our subordinates not to show off their power, not to show off their wealth, let alone to be displayed on IG on social media. If the bureaucratic apparatus is very, very inappropriate," Jokowi said at the direction of the Plenary Cabinet Session regarding the Government's 2024 Work Plan, Thursday, March 2.

For information, Rafael Alun's assets became the public spotlight after his son, Mario Dandy Satrio, persecuted 17-year-old David. He is known to have a wealth of Rp56 billion based on the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

Furthermore, the KPK clarified Rafael's wealth on April 1. After being clarified, the fantastic assets owned by Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani's subordinates will instead be investigated because of reports from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) related to suspicious transactions.

PPATK even suspects that Rafael used professional money laundering services. As a result, currently Rafael's and his family's accounts are blocked.

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