JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that a Hybrid Solar Eclipse (GMH) will occur on April 20 2023 which can be observed from Indonesia.

"A hybrid solar eclipse is predicted to occur on April 20, 2023, which can be observed from Indonesia," said Deputy for Geophysics, BMKG Suko Prayitno Adi, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 7.

He explained that a hybrid solar eclipse occurs when the sun, moon, and earth are exactly in line so that in certain places the lunar disk observed from the earth is smaller than the solar disk, and in certain other places the lunar disk observed from the earth is the same as the solar disk.

"As a result, during the peak of the eclipse in a certain place, the sun will appear like a ring, which is dark in the middle and bright on the edges. Meanwhile, in certain other places, the sun seems to be covered by the moon," he explained.

A hybrid solar eclipse consists of two types of eclipses, namely an annular solar eclipse and a total solar eclipse. Suko added that there are three kinds of moon shadows that are formed during GMH namely antumbra, penumbra, and umbra.

In areas where the antumbra passes, said Suko Prayitno, the eclipse that was observed was an annular solar eclipse. Meanwhile, in areas affected by the penumbra, the observed eclipse is in the form of a partial solar eclipse.

"Then in certain other areas that are passed by the umbra, the observed eclipse is a total solar eclipse," he said.

Suko Prayitno stated that in 2023 it is predicted that there will be four eclipses, namely GMH on 20 April 2023 which can be observed from Indonesia, the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (GBP) on 5-6 May 2023 which can also be observed from Indonesia.

Then the Ring Solar Eclipse (GMC) on October 14 2023 which cannot be observed from Indonesia, and the Partial Lunar Eclipse (GBS) on October 29 2023 which can be observed from Indonesia.

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