A total of four inmates escaped from the Class IIA Palangka Raya Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) Prison on Friday, March 3 evening. They fled over the 5 meter prison wall.

Head of the Central Kalimantan Kemenkumham Regional Office, Hendra Eka Putra, said that his party had coordinated with the Central Kalimantan Regional Police and TNI officials to hunt down the four inmates.

"We are also blocking all immigration in the archipelago. We even asked Korem 102 Panju Tanjung, Koramil and Babinsa to arrest the prisoner," he said when contacted in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Tuesday, March 7, confiscated by Antara.

To narrow the movement of escaped prisoners in murder cases, theft cases to cases of sexual harassment, prison ranks and the Correctional Division have also been coordinated to find out the whereabouts of the four inmates who are suspected of still roaming Palangka Raya City.

The local Ministry of Law and Human Rights also disseminated photos of prisoners so that all people in the local area could recognize those who fled from the Palangka Raya Class IIA Prison.

"Hopefully in these various ways we can arrest the prisoners and return them to the Class IIA Palangka Raya Prison, to resume their sentence," he said.

Hendra said that if the four inmates were caught, the Palangka Raya Class IIA Prison would revoke the rights of these prisoners, such as remissions and their conditional releases, which they should have obtained while in prison.

Then, his party also conducted examinations and processing of the crime scene (TKP) at the local prison and examined officers or personnel who were suspected of being negligent in carrying out coaching and disciplinary punishment.

"All officers on night shifts will certainly receive sanctions from this incident," explained Hendra Eka Putra.

So that the incident does not happen again, said Hendra, his party will cooperate with the Central Kalimantan Police to assess personnel of all prison employees throughout Central Kalimantan.

"With the aim that similar incidents do not happen again in prisons throughout Central Kalimantan," he said.

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