PADANG - The West Sumatra Provincial Government provides briefing to teachers in the area about the internet is safe for children to anticipate negative effects of technology. "On the one hand, the internet has a positive influence on children, but on the other hand there is also a negative impact, because it needs the role of teachers and parents to supervise so that children do not fall," said the Head of the West Sumatra Child Protection and Family Planning Office (DP3AP2KB), Gemala Ranti. He said that when opening the Technical Guidance of the Happy Internet (Cerdas, Empathy, Inclusive, Safe) in Padang, Monday. According to him, currently almost all children can access the internet especially through devices. Often there is no supervision of child interactions with the internet. Often there is no supervision of child interactions with the internet. In fact, many cases of crime against children include sexual crimes that start from interactions on various social media platforms. Therefore it is important to give digital literacy to the public, especially parents and teachers in order to protect child safety in the online realm. Especially from the threat of sexual crime. The responsibility for child protection and the challenges of parents in the digital era are very heavy, with the ease of internet access to children, free of connect without boundaries and rules. Children are smarter than their parents, and information on the internet can come from anywhere and from anyone. Children want to feel greater freedom but children do not understand the risks when exploring the digital world,'' he said. According to him, the West Sumatra Provincial Government has initiated creative and innovative steps related to child protection in the digital world, one of which is through the Internet Cheer website. The website has been more than one year developed, collaborating with digital platforms caring for family children.
"With the collaboration of various elements, we hope that children will be smarter in the internet and protected from the threat of negative impacts in the digital world. For this reason, it is necessary to increase human resources, both parents, communities and the wider community, especially teachers, so that they can find out about forms of child abuse through online media and can protect them from the dangers of sexual exploitation and other violence in the digital world," he said Gemala Ranti. The Bimtek activities took place from March 3 to 6 (rank I) and March 9-10 (angkat II) followed by 50 participants consisting of ASN Diskominfo, Non-PNS Kindergarten Teachers throughout Padang City and Padang City Children's Forum.
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