JAKARTA - Basarnas Operations Director, Brigadier General (Mar) Rasman, said the joint search team again found five human body parts in the search for the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft on the second day.

In addition to body pieces, the search team also found three bags containing plane debris. In total, an additional eight bags were recovered.

"We have again received evidence from team members who have worked to obtain searches. Currently, we have handed over to us 3 bags of plane debris, then 5 bags are human pieces," said Razman at the JICT2 Command Post, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Sunday, January 10th.

Razman said that evidence in the form of pieces of human bodies would be submitted to the Police's Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team for identification. At present, a total of six body bags have been found since the search began on the evening of Saturday, January 9.

Meanwhile, the aircraft debris will be taken to the National Transportation Safety Commission (NTSC) for further investigation.

Previously, the Indonesian Navy's Kopaska Team and a team of divers found evidence in the form of children's clothing to pieces of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft on the second day of search.

Marine Major, KRI Commander Kurau Nur Rochim, said the team found the debris at 08.30 WIB. This evidence was brought to the JICT 2 Command Post, using KRI Kurau.

"The Indonesian Navy Kopaska team and the diving team handed over the found items to KRI Kurau. In the form of tire fragments, pink children's clothes, and plane fragments. Furthermore, the KRI Kurau team handed over to Basarnas," said Rochim.

In addition, the joint SAR team searching for the position of Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 also managed to find iron plates and boulders shaped like wheels from Sriwijaya Air SJ-182.

The team managed to find iron plates floating on the water. Judging from its shape, it is strongly suspected that it came from the fuselage which lost contact.

This metal slab is no bigger than an adult. The fracture of these iron plates is irregular.

The joint SAR team also found iron that resembled the wheels of an airplane. However, the shape is no longer regular. Because on some sides it is no longer smooth, aka damaged as if it had been hit by a strong blow.

Follow the latest information about the development of the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 aircraft here.

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