LOMBOK BARAT - The West Lombok Resort Police, West Nusa Tenggara are handling the case of a teacher with the initial S (57) who allegedly committed immoral acts against five students at an elementary school in the local district.

"The case has entered the investigation stage and we are still investigating if there are other victims," ​​said the Head of the West Lombok Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu I Made Dharma YP in West Lombok Regency, as reported from Antara, Sunday, March 5.

The immoral case was revealed after one of the victims reported it to his parents. The victim's parents then reported to the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the Criminal Investigation Unit, West Lombok Police.

Made Dharma added that the report was received last Wednesday and immediately came to the attention of the leadership because it involved children.

"From the reports we received, there were five victims. All of them have been examined and post mortems at the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Bhayangkara Hospital," he said.

He said that his party managed to arrest the teacher suspected of immoral acts a few hours after the report was received from the parents of one of the victims. The alleged perpetrator has the status of a suspect so he is being held in the West Lombok Police detention room.

For his actions, said Made Dharma, the perpetrator is charged with Article 82 paragraph (1) juncto 76E Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a minimum prison sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years.

"According to Article 82 paragraph (2), the sentence can be increased by one third because the teacher is a civil servant," he said.

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