Sukabumi Police Criminal and Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) arrested three unscrupulous students suspected of killing a student at SDN Sirnaganalih, Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. Victim Ra (12) is one of the targets of the stabbing. "The three suspected perpetrators of the attack and torture to the death of the victim with the initials Ra (12) were arrested while hiding around a rubber plantation in the Palabuhanratu District," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Maruly Pardede quoted on Sunday, March 5.

According to Maruly, the three children in conflict with the law (ABH) have different roles, in which ABH1 played a role in riding with the executor (ABH2) and ABH3 had the role of providing sharp weapons of the type of sickle used by ABH2 to execute Ra. From the results of the investigation, these three ABHs were not affiliated with any motorcycle gang group, the flag they carried was a symbol of the junior high school where all three of them studied. The heinous action carried out by the suspect by removing Ra's life in the Citepus PAM area, Citepus Village, Palabuhanratu District on Saturday started from the convoy carried out by the suspect with dozens of his colleagues to look for enemies. As they passed at the scene, they saw the victim and his colleagues walking to return home. Without bases ABH2 immediately took out his sickle and slashed it into Ra's neck until it suffered severe injuries. After being stabbed, the victim had asked for help while walking and holding his neck seriously injured. Only a few steps, Ra fell to the asphalt in an unconscious condition.

Residents who saw the incident immediately took the victim to the Palabuhanratu Hospital for treatment, but when I arrived at the location, Ra was declared dead. Meanwhile, the three ABHs and dozens of colleagues immediately fled to a rubber plantation to hide, but their whereabouts were easily found by the police after asking for information from a number of residents and witnesses. Less than 24 hours finally, the three suspects were arrested and immediately taken to the Sukabumi Police Headquarters.

"We are still developing this case, especially for ABH3 as a provider of sickles for the use of ABH2 to execute victims, whether ABH3 has been a supplier of sharp weapons several times for inter-school brawls, this is what we are still investigating," he added. Maruly said that it was suspected that Ra was a victim of the wrong target, because at the time of the incident he used scout uniforms plus his body was a bongsor like the body of a junior high school student. The three suspects were charged with Article 80 paragraph 3 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection with a penalty of imprisonment for 15 years. On the other hand, he explained that the handling of this case was similar to other criminal acts, but because the suspect was a minor, the detention was carried out by his party for only seven days and could be extended by eight days.

Apart from the suspect, the police also confiscated a number of evidences such as sickles used to execute the victim, the clothes of the victim and the suspect and the roll pillow used to hide the sickle. After carrying out the action, ABH2 had tried to eliminate evidence in the form of sickles, but was found. This case also triggered the emotions of residents who were furious with their sadistic behavior of killing elementary school children who were still in grade VI. But the residents' emotions were successfully suppressed and the Sukabumi Police asked to fully hand over the case to the police.

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