SIMPANG FOUR - The State Elementary School (SDN) 26 Talamau Building, West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra experienced a fire and caused an estimated loss of Rp250 million. The origin of the fire is thought to have come from a short circuit or short circuit. "There were no casualties in the fire. The cause of the fire is not yet known. Law enforcement officers are still investigating. Two local units were burned down," said Head of the Fire Department of the Civil Service Police Unit and West Pasaman Fire Department Getri Ardenis, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, March 5. According to him, the fire was discovered by people who wanted to go to the garden behind the school building.

Seeing the fire of the community directly watering with modest water before the fire engine came to provide assistance. Getting information about the fire, he said, two fire engines from Talu and Simpang Empat went straight to the location to provide assistance. "The fire location is quite far from Talu and Simpang Empat, it takes more than an hour. However, we managed to extinguish the fire and do not spread to residents' homes," he said.. Because, according to 2022 data, the fire case reached 60 cases.

Therefore, his party will continue to socialize the dangers of fires and remind the public to be aware of potential fires. He appealed to the public to be aware of the occurrence of fires. For example, be careful about installing additional electricity plugs, don't leave the house in a state that the stove is still on and the electrical installation is periodically renewable.

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