JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of North Maluku (Malut) has asked the Islamic Kindergarten Development Agency (BPTKI) to intensively empower and play a role that is based on culture related to the pattern of coaching with Islamic teachings through fostering children's character.

"Because Islamic organizations are very important and provide characteristics of Islam and are able to provide character for children at the age of PAUD and kindergarten," said Assistant III of the Regional Secretariat of the North Maluku Provincial Government, Sri Hattari when inaugurating the leadership of the BPTKI BKMM area and the leadership of the North Maluku BKM region in Ternate, reported by ANTARA, Sunday, March 5.

Sri Hattari said that the BPTKI organization of the Indonesian Mosque Council must be one of the spearheads of religious development and must continue to enrich science and always maintain unity and integrity with other mass organizations in order to build the image of the BPTKI organization in North Maluku. The image in question is that this organization must have a character and prioritize the improvement of the quality of educators. It should be a big priority.

"We hope that the newly inaugurated BPTKI Malut Province organization will maximize its role as part of the locomotive of driving education development, especially children's education in this area and always synergizing with local governments to realize life-building programs through da'wah activities through educational activities and through social social development activities," he said.

Sri Hattari hopes that the regional administrators of the Coordinating Board for the Taklim Council of the North Maluku Province mosque who have just hoped that the program of the advisory body of the mosque taklim is expected to be able to collaborate and synergize with the North Maluku Provincial Government, so that the achievement of the target will be on time and will be quickly realized. Let's further develop innovations that are more applied to the community and based on sufficient education.

Meanwhile, the Management of BPTKI Malut, Hj. Zahrah A. Muthalib stated that the organizations that oversee several TPQ educational institutions as well as Paud in all areas of North Maluku Province may return and be active again so that the children do not bother to recite the Koran.

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