The joint search and rescue team (SAR) managed to save all crew members of the Baruna Jaya Motor Ship (KM) that sank in the waters of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"All crew members have been evacuated to the coast of Labuan Dadap, East Lombok Regency, on Saturday (March 4) night. The information we received today is that they are already at the house of their family members in East Lombok," said Public Relations of the Mataram SAR Office, I Gusti Lanang Wiswananda, Sunday, March 5, confiscated by Antara.

The Mataram SAR Office received information from the Surabaya SAR Office, East Java, regarding KM Baruna Jaya, which suddenly lost contact around the sea waters of Sapeken Island, Sumenep Regency, East Java.

Information obtained by the Surabaya SAR Office from the ship's agent, KM Baruna Jaya departed from Boom Beach Port, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, on Wednesday, March 1 at around 16.00 WIB.

The ship carrying cement and basic necessities or necessities is scheduled to arrive on Sapeken Island, on Thursday, March 2 at around 07.00 WIB. However, until Friday afternoon March 3, the ship had not arrived at its destination.

The ship acting as the captain of the ship, namely Subhan Husaini (42). The ship also carried four crew members, namely Farid Sugianto (41), Rizal (45), Isak (47), Hairul (25). There were also two passengers who sailed along, namely Aldi (24), and Munip (21). All the victims came from Sapeken Village, Sumenep Regency, East Java.

Lanang said the information obtained from the captain of the ship (Subhan Husaini), that KM Baruna Jaya had a leak while in the sea waters on Saturday, March 4 at around 15.00 WITA.

Some crew members tried to get the water into the ship, and some tried to make an emergency raft to save themselves.

Efforts to drain the sea water were in vain, the ship finally sank. All passengers saved themselves using rafts. They were floating in the middle of the sea for 30 minutes before finally being found by the Srigading ship carried by fishermen from East Lombok Regency.

"All victims were rescued and evacuated to Labuhan Dadap, which is about 30 nautical miles from the location where KM Baruna Jaya sank," said Lanang.

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