JAKARTA - The Indonesian Air Force deployed 150 personnel to help search for the Sriwijaya SJ-182 aircraft that crashed around Lancang Island and Laki Island, Thousand Islands, Saturday, January 9.

"Apart from deploying four planes, the Indonesian Air Force also deployed 150 personnel," said Assistant Operations to the TNI Air Force Chief of Staff (Asops Kasau) Young Air Marshal Henri Alfiandi at Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base, Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Sunday, January 10.

The 150 personnel are a combination of personnel at the air base, the Indonesian Air Force Operations Command (Koopsau) I and Paskhas personnel. "The number will continue to grow in view of developments in the location," said Henri.

The deployment of Indonesian Air Force personnel and aircraft, he said, was in accordance with the direction of TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto. "We are assisting Basarnas in the process of searching for the crash of the Sriwijaya plane. The Lanud Post at Halim is used so that the search process by air is more coordinated and guarantees the security and safety of all of us," he said.

Four aircraft were deployed to assist the search for Sriwijaya aircraft, namely the Super Puma NAS-332 Helicoter from Air Squadron 6 and EC-725 Caracal Air Squadron 8 Atang Sendjaja Bogor Air Base and SAR personnel from Korpaskhas.

Apart from helicopters, the Indonesian Air Force is also preparing a fixed wing aircraft for Boeing 737 Maritime Reconnaissance Air Squadron 5 Sultan Hasanudin Airport Makassar and CN-295 Air Squadron 2 Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base Jakarta.

Henri explained that the Boeing 737 Intai Maritim Fix wing has the ability to monitor objects on the surface; The CN-295 was used to locate the area where the Sriwijaya plane crashed.

"Caracal and Boeing have infrared cameras that can detect objects that are above sea level that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Super puma and CN aircraft are visual," he said.

The planes are ready to fly within 1x24 hours. "Now it remains a matter of coordination who will dispatch there, because there is a need for synchronization and good cooperation," said the 1988 AAU graduate.

Previously, the Sriwijaya Air plane PK-CLC SJ registration number 182 for the Jakarta-Pontianak route lost contact on Saturday, January 9, at 14:40 WIB and crashed in the waters of the Thousand Islands between Lancang Island and Laki Island.

The Boeing 737-500 aircraft lost contact at a position 11 nautical miles north of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang after passing an altitude of 11,000 feet and at the time of increasing its altitude at 13,000 feet.

The plane took off from Soekarno Hatta Airport at 14.36 WIB. The schedule is delayed from the previous flight schedule at 13.35 WIB. Departure delays due to weather factors.

Based on manifest data, the aircraft produced in 1994 carried 62 people consisting of 50 passengers and 12 crew members. Of these, 40 adults, seven children, three babies. Meanwhile, the 12 crew consists of six active crews and six extra crews.

The existence of the aircraft is currently under investigation and search by the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) and the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC). Direct coordination is carried out with various parties, including the Police, TNI and the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta.

A number of naval fleets belonging to the TNI were deployed, about 10 ships were deployed to the location where the fighter was suspected of crashing between Male Island and Lancang Island, Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta.

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