BATURAJA - Acting Regent of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Teddy Meilwansyah asked the personnel of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to be optimal in tackling natural disasters in the area.

"This follows up on the instructions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in an effort to strengthen sustainable resilience in facing disasters in 2023," said Teddy in Baturaja, the capital of OKU Regency, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 3.

He said that currently almost all countries are aware of climate change that has the potential to increase the frequency of natural disasters.

This climate change causes the frequency of natural disasters in the world to increase dramatically and Indonesia occupies the top three most prone to natural disasters.

"The President asked all regions to prepare from upstream to downstream, including mitigation efforts in the context of dealing with natural disasters," he said.

Therefore, for disaster management in OKU, he asked all relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD), especially BPBD, to be more responsive and responsive and professional in tackling natural disasters.

The task force that has been formed is asked to help supervise and monitor every day so that all disaster events can be controlled and minimized.

"Including, we also ask the relevant OPD to simplify the bureaucratic process in providing assistance so that it is faster and on target," he said firmly.

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD OKU Amzar Kristopa through the Pusdalpos Manager, Gunalfi previously said that currently his party has established disaster management posts in areas that have the potential for floods and landslides to occur in the area. Each post is alerted by dozens of BPBD personnel assisted by volunteers to be prepared for natural disasters so that they can be overcome as early as possible.

"Including disaster management equipment, we are also ready. In fact, we are intensifying patrols to a number of areas mapped prone to natural disasters," he said.

The areas in OKU Regency that are mapped are prone to flood disasters, including Ulu Ogan, Muara Jaya, Semidang Aji, Baturaja Barat, Baturaja Timur, Lubuk Batang, Peninjauan and Kedaton Peninjauan Raya.

Meanwhile, landslide-prone areas are located in Pengandonan, Semidang Aji, Baturaja Barat, Baturaja Timur and Ulu Ogan sub-districts.

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