JAKARTA - A total of 31 retired high-ranking TNI officers from the three forces and the 1980-1988 National Police have declared their support for Anies Baswedan to run in the 2024 presidential election. "To Anies, we convey our support for his candidacy which has been politically declared by the Nasdem Party, Democratic Party and PKS, in the axis of the Change Coalition," said support declator Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Ediwan Prabowo in an electronic message in Jakarta, Friday, March 3. Seeing the life of the nation and state today, the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) said that there was indeed a critical situation in the unity and integrity of the Nation. There is a sharp and serious rift in the brotherhood relationship between the nation's children. As a result, continued Ediwan, this requires new national leadership to overcome and also be able to protect all elements and diversity of the nation's children. National leadership must be held by figures who have high integrity, have a competent and clean track record. "We view Anies Baswedan as meeting these criteria to become a reliable presidential candidate, with a track record in the fields of central and regional and academic governments," he added. Regarding the Vice President Anies, according to him, he is strong with Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), the General Chair of the Democratic Party. AHY successfully led the Democrats and had a qualified military background. "This 5-year experience in politics is coupled with his leadership experience in the military field which risks lives for the benefit of the nation both at home and abroad for 16 years, as well as qualified higher education," he explained.

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