Central Java Police revealed the misappropriation of sales of diesel fuel that allegedly involved the management of one of the gas stations in the Sragen Regency area. Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Police, Kombes Dwi Subagio, said that in the disclosure, evidence was secured in the form of an open tub car and a truck that had been modified with the fuel tank. According to him, the disclosure began with suspicion of an open tub car filling diesel fuel several times a day at a gas station on Jalan Raya Solo-Purwodadi, Sumberlawang, Sragen Regency. From the search, he said, it was known that the fuel tank of the car had been modified to load a thousand liters of fuel. The officers then followed the Solar transport car to a house in Sidomulyo Village, Mondokan, Sragen Regency. "The car turned out to be a 'pengangsu' vehicle in charge of buying fuel at gas stations," he said in Semarang, Antara, Thursday, February 2. The fuel that has been purchased, he continued, has been transferred to a modified truck for further sale. According to him, from the results of the examination, it was found that there were allegations of involvement in gas station managers in the crime. He said there was an agreement between the gas station manager and the subsidized fuel buyers to buy the commodity without using the MyPertamina application. From the activities that have been going on since August 2022, he said, it is known that around 180 thousand liters of diesel have been purchased with a value of around Rp. 1.3 billion. He explained that investigators were still conducting investigations to determine the suspect in the crime. To Pertamina, Dwi asked for firm action against rogue gas stations that sell subsidized fuel outside these provisions.

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