520 Thousand Illegal Cigarettes Confiscated In January 2023 Destroyed By Bengkulu Customs
The Bengkulu Customs Supervision and Excise Service Office (KPPBC-TMC) destroyed illegal cigarettes. (ANTARA)

BENGKULU - The Office of Supervision and Services of Customs Type Madya Excise (KPPBC-TMC) Bengkulu confiscated and destroyed 520,020 illegal cigarettes found in a number of these areas during January 2023. For illegal cigarettes that were confiscated were the result of public operations and reports as well as the confiscation was carried out because cigarettes were not attached to excise stamps and the cigarette brand was not registered. "During January 2023, Customs and Excise had succeeded in securing as many as 520,020 illegal cigarettes," said Bengkulu KPPBC Functional Officer Budi Sulaksono, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 1 With the discovery of these illegal cigarettes, his party continues to strengthen the supervision of illegal cigarette trafficking in a number of Bengkulu areas. Supervision of the circulation of illegal cigarettes in Bengkulu is carried out by cooperating with many parties, both law enforcement officers and the community. This is done because Bengkulu is an area that is often found to be illegal cigarette trafficking, especially border areas and rural areas. Budi said that there is still a large number of illegal cigarette trafficking in Bengkulu due to its many enthusiasts, because the price of illegal cigarettes is sold at a fairly cheap price. on average below the legal cigarette price. "The illegal cigarette price is cheap, so that many people still buy these cigarettes even though we don't know what the cigarettes are made from, so we don't know whether it's safe to consume," he said.

Therefore, he appealed to the entire community, especially shops, not to sell illegal cigarettes, because the circulation of illegal cigarettes is detrimental to the state. "We will continue to strengthen the supervision of the circulation of illegal cigarettes because illegal cigarettes can harm the state and we will take firm action every time someone commits violations in the field of excise," said Budi.

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