JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya firmly said that it would apply the toughest article for Mario Dandy Satryo and other suspects in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora. The statement seemed to hint at the possibility of changing the article against Mario Dandy and Shane Lukas. "Regarding the case of violence committed by suspects M and S, Polda Metro Jaya will apply to the article, of course, the heaviest," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Wednesday, March 1. Meanwhile, currently the two suspects are charged with Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, subsidiary to Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution. However, it could turn into Article 354 and/or Article 355 of the Criminal Code. Because, judging from the sanctions, it is much heavier than the articles that are currently suspected of the two suspects. This possibility could happen if the investigation process found strong evidence. "We are waiting for the existing evidence (evidence, ed). We will carry out this process later there will be a case title, today a meeting is being held with several stakeholders," said Trunoyudo. Previously, Mahfud MD said he more agreed to the application of Articles 354 and 355 of the Criminal Code in the case of molestation of David Ozora. The reason is so that the case becomes an example for the community. "I will much more agree and support to try to apply a more assertive article. To make young people, to make parents educate their children properly, articles 354 and 355 (KUHP) are applied," he said. For information, it reads that 354 of the Criminal Code, namely “ anyone who intentionally seriously injures another person, is threatened for committing severe abuse with a maximum imprisonment of 8 years. If the act results in death, the guilty one is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years,” Meanwhile, the sound of Article 355 of the Criminal Code paragraph (1) of severe torture carried out with a prior plan, is punishable by a maximum imprisonment of twelve years. Paragraph (2) If the act results in death, the guilty one is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of fifteen years.

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