KARAWANG - Karawang District Police deployed hundreds of personnel to assist in handling the flood disaster that has occurred since the last few days in a number of Karawang areas which are increasingly expanding.

"There is a third of the Karawang Police's powers deployed to help deal with floods," said Karawang Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono, quoted on Tuesday, February 28.

He said that his party had established humanitarian operations in several flood-affected areas. This was applied by lowering personnel to flood points in the Karawang area.

"Polri personnel went directly to the field to help ease the burden on the flood-affected community by preparing natural disaster posts and assisting in evacuation," he said.

According to him, the Karawang Police in synergy with the local BPBD and other related agencies in carrying out evacuations, not only for residents, but also to help evacuate the belongings of residents affected by the floods.

As in BMI 1 housing, West Dawuan, Cikampek District, police officers from Sabhara and a combination of police carried out evacuating flood-affected communities. This activity has been carried out since last Monday.

The flood that submerged hundreds of residential areas and places of worship and public facilities in the area was caused by heavy rains which triggered the overflow of the Cikaranggelam river.

Hundreds of residents in the area fled to a safer place.

The Head of Police said, according to the Karawang Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) assessment, as of Monday night, there were 11,485 houses submerged in floods and thousands of people displaced.

The Karawang Regency Government has established a disaster emergency response status following the flood that hit 18 districts around Karawang.

Regional Secretary of Karawang Acep Jamhuri, said that in accordance with a coordination meeting with Muspida elements, Karawang Regent Cellica Nurrachadiana had decided on the status of a disaster emergency date.

One of the reasons for setting the disaster emergency date was due to the expansion of the flood-stricken area in Karawang. So it needs maximum handling.

According to the district government's records, since the last few days until now, floods have hit 52 villages and three sub-districts spread across 18 sub-districts around Karawang.

Floods that hit a number of Karawang areas occurred due to heavy rains which triggered a number of rivers to overflow.

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