Documents Related To Alleged Coal Transport Corruption In South Sumatra Confiscated By KPK
Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri. (Tsa Tsia-VOI)

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confiscated documents related to allegations of corruption in the transportation of coal to BUMD belonging to the South Sumatra Provincial Government (Sumsel). The confiscation was carried out after investigators searched PT Sriwijaya Mandiri, South Sumatra, whose office was in Palembang.

"From the search in question, evidence was found and secured, including various documents and electronic devices that were suspected of having links and made light of the actions of the parties involved in this case," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in a written statement, Tuesday, February 28.

It was not specified what documents were found. However, Ali said the analysis would be carried out.

"The evidence will then be analyzed and confiscated to be confirmed in witnesses as well as complete the investigation case file," he said.

As previously reported, the anti-corruption commission is investigating allegations of corruption in the abuse of authority in cooperation in coal transportation by BUMD in South Sumatra. However, the suspect in the case has not yet been announced.

Disclosure of the suspect will be carried out when the investigation process is sufficient. The suspect will also be announced after an attempt to be detained.

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