JAKARTA - Thousands of people who are members of the labor elements and students will hold a demonstration in front of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) building, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 28. The mass of action requested that the Job Creation Legislation (Perppu Ciptaker) be repealed.
Secretary General of the Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA), Dewi Kartika explained that the Joint Action Committee, which is part of the People's Ultimatum and the Indonesian People's Protests, consists of the unity of the movement of various organizations and alliances of civil society across sectors, both from the labor sector, farmers, fishermen, indigenous peoples, women, students, students. The Joint Action Committee also brought 10 demands in today's demonstrations.
First, urge President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to revoke the Ciptaker Perppu. Second, asking the DPR RI to reject the Job Creation Perppu that has been issued by the President.
"The third “ President and DPR RI immediately stop all forms of betrayal and disobedience to the Constitution," Dewi said in her statement, Tuesday, February 28.
Fourth, urge all laws and regulations that are contrary to the constitution. Fifth, ask to abolish the contract work system, transfer of power, internship systems and stop the politics of low wages and apply wages according to the quality of decent living.
"Sixth, asking to stop liberalizing agrarianism, food and land grabbing, reject land banks and carry out true agrarian reforms as the basis for national development," he explained.
Seventh, realizing free academic, educational, scientific and democratic freedom at all levels. Eighth, asking to stop criminalization of people's movements in all sectors.
Sembilan, meminta agar memberikan perlindungan dan jaminan kepastian kerja bagi pekerja Non-PNS, seperti penguluh KB, Guru Honorer, Pekerja Perikanan dan Kelautan hingga pengendara ojek online.
"Finally, it is urgent to immediately issue and ratify all laws and regulations that protect people's rights such as the PPRT Bill, the Protection of Online Transportation-Ojek Workers and the Indigenous Community Bill," said Dewi.
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