Towards the end of the term of office of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo continues to develop the LaporGub public complaint application. There are improvements and additional features in the LaporGub V.2.0 application, namely complaint privacy.

Met after attending an event at Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW) Salatiga, Ganjar said that LaporGub V.2.0 continues to be improved so that people can reach out more easily.

"The number is easier, and behind it, there is actually data collected which is analyzed with artificial intelligence," said Ganjar, quoted Monday, February 28.

For information, LaporGub is an innovation of Ganjar Pranowo since his first term as Governor of Central Java, in 2013. At that time, LaporGub was still based on the website. On its way, this application continues to be developed until it can be accessed by multi-platforms. Now, LaporGub can be accessed as an application via smartphone.

The results of the development of the latest version in LaporGub V.2.0, people who report can arrange a complaint privacy choice. Thus, the identity of the reporter is guaranteed and the public can more comfortably report the problems experienced.

On the other hand, reports from the public will be recorded. After being recorded, the follow-up process of the complaint can also be monitored.

"Now if there are people who report, one is recorded, two of us can trace when it is done and done, at the same time it can be used to assess who the PIC (Person in charge / person in charge) is," he said.

The governor also said that the existence of the Governor's Report was expected to make it easier for the public to submit complaints. Their complaints are very important, because apart from evaluating performance, it is also a consideration in making policies.

"So this has been improved several times, hopefully the community will be able to accept it more," he said.

The governor hopes that LaporGub can become a work that can continue to be used by the people of Central Java. On the other hand, the government can also use it for the basis of decision making.

"We make this a legacy, that public complaints can be realized through a good system. And make no mistake, the government will be able to get good data and it can be used for a much better basis for decision making and policies," he said.

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