The former GAM Commander Muzakir Manaf was re-elected as the General Chair of the Aceh Party's DPA for the leadership of the third term in 2023-2028 in the Great Conference (mubes) III in Aceh. "The third lone trial, the participants have agreed that the Aceh Party Chairperson for the 2023-2028 period is H Muzakir Manaf," said the chairman of the Aceh Party Mubes Tgk Anwar Ramli, in Banda Aceh, Sunday. The Secretary of the SP Tarmizi Committee said that Muzakir Manaf was elected by acclamation because there was indeed no other candidate running for himself. "Muzakir Manaf himself was elected by acclamation with a Secretary General (Secretary General) Kamarudddin Abu Bakar alias Abu Razak," said Tarmizi. Since standing and taking part in the local political arena, the Aceh Party has only been led by one person, namely the former commander of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) namely Muzakir Manaf, and this time is his third period. The Aceh Party is the largest local political party on rencong land. The party formed in 2007 first participated in the general election during the 2009 Legislative Election and became the winning party. At the opening of the Mubes, Tuha Peut Aceh Party (Wali Nanggroe) Tgk Malik Mahmud Al Haytar hoped that the elected general chairman should be able to synergize with the entire ranks so that he could navigate politics in Aceh.

With this synergy, later there will not be any obstacles in the 2024 General Election, both for executive and legislative elections. "Let's take advantage of the remaining time to win, fix the shortcomings so far. Cadres must be able to build innovations that can ensure the safety, comfort and welfare of the Acehnese people," said Tgk Malik Mahmud.

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