West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono took to the field with the ranks during a surprise inspection at the Kenagarian Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) Tanjung Lolo, Sijunjung Regency, Wednesday, February 22.
It turned out that 11 vehicles with modified tanks were found to be used to load subsidized fuel
"It turns out that there have been irregularities at one of the gas stations carried out by individuals or the public. We will check them. Everything is now running away, including those guarding gas stations. We will take firm action against them," said Suharyono in a video that was broadcast on the Public Relations Instagram of the West Sumatra Police which was monitored in Padang, Antara, Wednesday, February 22.
He said each of these vehicles was allegedly able to accommodate 1,000 liters of fuel. The Kapolda added that with evidence of cooperation between gas stations and diesel filling personnel at gas stations, development would be carried out.
"I order all police chiefs and police chiefs in the ranks of the West Sumatra Police to carry out operations and check at gas stations and on roads and vehicles whose tanks are modified," he said.
He ensured that the alleged violation of subsidized fuel was thoroughly investigated and would report its progress to the National Police Chief. "Of course we will report the progress to the leadership," he said.
Currently, a number of vehicles with modified tanks have been secured at the Sijunjung Police Station.
The 11 vehicles that were secured consisted of four-wheeled and six-wheeled vehicles including 3 L 300 vehicles, six minibuses, 1 R6 diesel truck, and 1 R6 dump truck vehicle.
Pertamina's Section Head Communication Relations Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut Agustiawan appreciated the steps taken by the West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol Suharyono who made a surprise inspection of the gas station and found a car with a modified tank.
"We appreciate what the West Sumatra Police have done to ensure that subsidized fuel is right on target," said
Pertamina will follow up according to the investigation carried out by the West Sumatra Police in accordance with the provisions of Pertamina's work contract with gas stations.
"The sanctions given can be in the form of administration if the violations committed can still be tolerated and the sanctions for paying the difference in selling prices which will be calculated by the economic value of non-subsidized fuel selling prices," he explained.
However, if they continue to violate, he said, they will be given a sanction to stop the distribution of subsidized fuel to the gas station. Another sanction is the termination of cooperation or termination of business relationship
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