West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) investigators have named 25 suspects out of 18 drug cases revealed during the handling period from the end of December 2022 to February 2023.

Daily Executive (Plh) Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol Lalu Muhammad Iwan Mahardan, said that this disclosure was the result of the activities of the NTB Police's Directorate of Drug Investigation.

"So, from the disclosure of 18 cases with 25 suspects, this is the success of the NTB Police's Narcotics Investigation Directorate in the activities that took place from the end of December 2022 to February 2023," said Iwan in Mataram, NTB, Wednesday, February 22, as reported by Antara.

Director of Drug Investigation (Dirresnarkoba) Polda NTB Kombes Pol. Deddy Supriadi also explained that of the 18 cases, 5 of them were included in the category of quite a lot of evidence.

"There are 5 prominent cases with quite a lot of evidence," said Deddy.

First, he said, the case revealed on December 20, 2022 in the Gerimak area, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency.

"This case was revealed from the active results of the NTB Police Narcotics Sub-Directorate II Team," he said.

In the disclosure of the case, officers arrested a man with the initials KKN who controlled 1 kilogram of dried marijuana or kg.

"This marijuana evidence was obtained by the suspect from the Sumatra region," he said.

The police arrested the KKN based on information from airport Customs officers. The goods were observed entering Lombok Island through a freight forwarding service.

"From the investigation process, it was revealed that before being caught, KKN had ordered goods from Sumatra and circulated them in Lombok. So, the person concerned was caught this time for the second order of goods," said Deddy.

Subsequently, the second case was revealed by the NTB Police Sub-Directorate III Team on December 23, 2022.

Deddy explained that this second case was revealed based on information from the Head of Mataram Prison in Kuripan, West Lombok Regency.

"In this case, we have named 3 suspects, one of whom is a drug convict with the initials MYM," he said.

The modus operandi of this case, explained him, was the younger brother of MYM with the initials MRN and a colleague with the initials HG using the hours of visiting prisoners.

"While visiting prisoners. MRN entered the toilet. Officers who were suspicious of the MRN action immediately conducted a search and found 24 grams of crystal methamphetamine evidence," he said.

Evidence, he continued, was smuggled into the prison by hiding it in the rectum. The plan is that the MYM will distribute the evidence in the prison.

Then, the third case was revealed by the NTB Police Sub-Directorate III Team on January 14, 2023 in the Lingsar area, West Lombok Regency.

Officers confiscated 897 grams of crystal methamphetamine from two men with the initials SH and PR. The items were revealed to have come from the Sumatra region.

"So, the two perpetrators received goods from the delivery service. After being received, the two perpetrators distributed 32 packages of goods ready to be distributed," he said.

The fourth case was revealed by the NTB Police's Sub-Directorate II Resnarkoba Team on January 20, 2023 in the Sandik area, West Lombok Regency.

"The case that was revealed from public information arrested 3 perpetrators from two different locations," he said.

Evidence of drugs confiscated from the arrests of the three perpetrators was half ounces of crystal methamphetamine. There is evidence that strengthens the three perpetrators as dealers, including cash which is allegedly the proceeds from the sale of Rp. 3.2 million and electric scales.

"From the confessions of the three perpetrators, methamphetamine came from East Lombok. This is still in the process of being developed in the field," said Deddy.

Finally, the case revealed by the NTB Police Sub-Directorate I Resnarkoba Team on February 20, 2023 on Jalan TGH. Faisal, Mataram City.

"Precisely in front of GOR Turida, officers arrested a man with the initials ASK with 36.44 grams of crystal methamphetamine as evidence," he said.

From the development, it was revealed the role of two dealers with the initials S and H. From the arrest of the two who were not far from the first location, officers confiscated 8 clear clips containing methamphetamine weighing 71.82 grams.

"So, the fifth total case is about 1 ounce of crystal methamphetamine," he said.

Deddy said that out of 25 suspects, 6 of them were recidivist in drug cases.

Of these 18 cases, Deddy assured that the handling is now in the final investigation stage to then enter the file transfer stage to the research prosecutor.

Today, Wednesday, February 22, evidence of drugs of methamphetamine and marijuana originating from the confiscation of the 18 cases was destroyed.

The NTB Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Djoko Poerwanto explained that the destruction of evidence confiscated by drug cases was the implementation of Article 91 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

The article explains that narcotics confiscated goods and narcotics precursors in the storage and security of investigators that have been determined to be destroyed by dab must be destroyed within a maximum of 7 days from the time they receive the determination of the destruction from the head of the local public prosecutor's office.

"That's why, today we destroyed most of the evidence confiscated by drug cases as a result of coordination with the prosecutor's office regarding the completeness of the transfer of files," said Djoko.

The amount of evidence destroyed was 1.5 kg of crystal methamphetamine and 1 kg of marijuana.

In the destruction using an incinerator machine at the Bhara Daksa Polda NTB Field, the ranks of the prosecutors, courts, BNN, BPOM, Customs and Excise were also present.

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