JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria asked the central government, namely the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, to facilitate the addition of hotels as isolation for COVID-19 patients without symptoms (OTG).

This request is due to the increasing number of new COVID-19 cases in DKI. The last few days, new cases per day are always over 2,000 cases.

"We ask the central government to add hotels for COVID-19 cases with the category of people without symptoms (OTG)," said Riza in BNPB Indonesia's Youtube broadcast, Thursday, January 7.

Currently the location for isolation of COVID-19 patients in DKI Jakarta, there are 4,333 beds spread across 33 hotels. The details, Central Jakarta 14 hotels, South Jakarta 5 hotels, East Jakarta 3 hotels, West Jakarta 5 hotels, and North Jakarta 6 hotels.

Several hotels were reported to be full. Among them are the Ibis Hotel in Senen, Central Jakarta, Grand Asia in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, and the U Stay Hotel in Mangga Besar, West Jakarta.

In addition, Riza said that his party also asked the Ministry of Health to add 2,767 health workers who treat COVID-19 patients in DKI.

"There are 2,767 health workers that we are requesting to be added back in the near future. Meanwhile, we are also improving various health facilities, such as now there are 101 referral hospitals and 92 COVID-19 testing laboratories," said Riza.

The DKI Provincial Government also plans to reuse the sports arena (GOR) for the isolation of OTG COVID-19 patients.

"We from the Provincial Government have also prepared several guest houses and in the future, as an emergency, we have also prepared GOR-GOR. If there is a significant increase in the end," he said.

Even so, all efforts to increase the quantity of special health facilities for COVID-19 will be filled with patients being treated again if the community still does not comply with health protocols.

- https://voi.id/berita/25690/satgas-covid-19-ada-3-kel grup-yang-divaksinasi-perdana-termasuk-pejabat-pusat-dan-daerah

- https://voi.id/berita/25678/anies-bikin-pergub-baru-pengganti-psbb-transisi-ikut-pengetatan-aktivity-jawa-bali

- https://voi.id/berita/25659/i-update-i-covid-19-per-7-januari-rekor-lagi-kasus-baru-tentang-9-321

Based on the observations of experts, Riza obtained data that health care, regulations regarding mobility restrictions, and sanctions for violating health protocols only contributed to reducing the transmission of the corona virus by 20 percent.

"According to experts, these efforts only contribute 20 percent to our success in reducing breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19. In fact, 80 percent of us as citizens of Jakarta or citizens of our obedience, our obedience, our discipline," he said.

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